Basic Policy against Antisocial Forces

We declare the following basic policies to prevent damage caused by groups or individuals who pursue economic gain through the use of violence, force and fraudulent methods.

1. We do not have any relationship with antisocial forces.

2. In order to prevent damage caused by antisocial forces, the Company shall cooperate with outside professional organizations such as the police, the National Center for the Elimination of Boryokudan, lawyers, etc., and deal with such forces in a systematic and appropriate manner.

We will not accept any unreasonable demands from antisocial forces, and will take resolute legal action.

4. We will not provide funds or engage in backroom deals with antisocial forces.

5. The Company shall ensure the safety of its officers and employees against unreasonable demands from antisocial forces.

Enacted: July 25, 2022
IntaSect communications, Inc.
President and Representative Director Tan Yuhong